Tire Pressure Sensor Code

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;# TITLE   "Pressure Sense"	
;#      Program         : Pressure sensor using an MPX5700DP sensor and LCD display
;#      Version         :1.0	
;#      Revision Date   :   	
;#      Author          : Jeff Brown
;    	radix	hex
		 #define	RA0_PICDEM						; If Defined, Pot on RA0, otherwise, RA8
;		 #define	LCD_PICDEM						; If Defined, Pot on RA0, otherwise, RA8
;		 #define	I2C_7SEG						; If Defined, use I2C to control display
		#DEFINE		ADRC0	b''
		#DEFINE		ADRC1	b''
;		#define		DEBUG
		;list p=18F452
		list p=18F2220
		;include "P18F452.INC"
		include "P18F2220.INC"
		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
		include "XLCD.inc"                      ;This include all required files and variables.	
; *******************************
; *			Variables			*
; *******************************
reg		res 1
W_Temp	res	1
STATUS_Temp	res	1
BSR_Temp	res	1
Temp	res	1
Mult0	res	1
Mult1	res	1
Mult2	res	1
Mtemp0	res	1
Mtemp1	res	1
Mtemp2	res	1
TenK	res	1
Thou	res	1
Hund	res	1
Tens	res	1
Ones	res	1
_Error	res	1
Checksum	res	1
Brightness	res	1
SAA_Control	res 1
	global	Temp
	global	Mult0
	global	Mult1
	global	Mult2
	global	Mtemp0
	global	Mtemp1
	global	Mtemp2
	global	TenK
	global	Thou
	global	Hund
	global	Tens
	global	Ones
	global _Error
	global	Checksum
	global	Brightness
	global	SAA_Control
; SAA1064 Constants
SAA1064ADDRESS	EQU	B'01110000'	; Address
SAA1064CONTROL	EQU	B'00000111' ; Control
SAA1064SEGDASH	EQU	B'01000000'	; -
SAA1064SEGDP	EQU	B'10000000'	; .
SAA1064SEGJ		EQU	B'00011110'	; J
; *******************************
; *			Macros				*
; *******************************
Bin_Out	macro	Floc						; Output a Binary Value
		variable i
i = 0
		while i < 8
		if (i==4)
			movlw ' '
		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
			call	XLCDPut
		movlw	'0'
		btfsc	Floc,(7-i),A
		movlw	'1'
		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
		call	XLCDPut
I2C_AckWait	macro
		Goto	$-2
I2C_SendStart	macro
		BSF		SSPCON2,SEN	; Send Start 
		call	I2C_BusyWait
I2C_SendStop	macro
		BSF		SSPCON2,PEN	; Send Stop 
		call	I2C_BusyWait
 		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
;The user can declare different definitions and make necessary commands    
XLCDCursorOnBlinkOn     equ     B'00001111' ;Display on Cursor on and Blink on
XLCDCursorOnBlinKOff    equ     B'00001110' ;Display on Cursor on and Blink off
XLCDDisplayOnCursorOff  equ     B'00001100' ;Display on Cursor off     
XLCDDisplayOff          equ     B'00001000' ;Display off  	
XLCDAddrIncrOnShiftOn   equ     B'00000111' ;increment DDRAM address and Display shift during read and wite 
XLCDAddrIncrOnShiftOff  equ     B'00000110' ;increment DDRAM address no Display shift during read and wite
XLCDAddrIncrOffShiftOff equ     B'00000100' ;Do not increment DDRAM address and shift during read and wite
XLCDDisplayMoveRight    equ     B'00011100' ;Display moves right,DDRAM Content remain unchanged
XLCDDisplayMoveLeft     equ     B'00011000' ;Display moves left,DDRAM Content remain unchanged
XLCDCursorMoveRight     equ     B'00010100' ;Cursor moves right,DDRAM Content remain unchanged
XLCDCursorMoveLeft      equ     B'00010000' ;Cursor moves left,DDRAM Content remain unchanged 
			org     0x000000		; Processor reset vector (power-up here)
			nop						; First two instructions are nop's (no operation) to allow
									; usage of break-points when using the debugger.
  			goto    Start        ; Go to the beginning of the Main Program
			org		0x000008		; High Priority ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) vector
	; Start of High Priority ISR
									; Write your custom High Priority ISR code here or place
			goto HiPriority_ISR		; a "goto HiPriority_ISR" here if you cannot fit the
									; required code in before the low priority ISR at 0x0018.
									; Remember, each instruction eats two lines of program
									; memory and instructions always start at even numbers.
									; i.e. The first instruction begins at memory location 0x000,
									; the next at 0x002, then 0x004, and so on.
			retfie	FAST            ; Return from High Priority ISR and re-enable Global Interrupts.
									; The "FAST" parameter tells the MCU to reload W, STATUS, and
									; BSR registers from the shadow registers which context saves
									; these registers the instant an interrupt occurs.
									; We don't use the "FAST" option for the Low Priority ISR
									; because if the High Priority interrupt is enabled and should
									; ever occur while the program is still servicing the Low
									; Priority ISR, then it will over-write the previous values
									; saved in the shadow registers.
									; Therefore, if only one ISR is required, use the High Priority
									; with the FAST option for easy context saving.
	; NOTE: When a High Priority interrupt occurs, the GIE/GIEH bit is hardware disabled until
	; execution of the "retfie". This prevents subsequent High Priority interrupts from
	; interferring with the ISR in progress. This could mean however missing some important
	; interrupt if competing interrupts occur too quickly. The High Priority interrupt can
	; interrupt however a Low Priority interrupt which has its own enable/disable bit PEIE/GIEL.
	; If a Low Priority ISR is in progess, it prevents another low priority from occuring until
	; complete but it cannot prevent a high priority interrupt from preempting it. The High
	; Priority bit GIE/GIEH acts as the overall enable/disable bit for ALL priority interrupts.
	; The reason for context saving W, STATUS, and BSR is that the values in these registers
	; can affect moment by moment the result of subsequent instructions.  If an interrupt
	; routine alters their value(s) then when the program resumes at the point where it was
	; interrupted, the results may become unpredicatable unless we first restore the values of
	; W, STATUS, and BSR to their "as found" values the instant we leave the ISR (Interrupt
	; Service Routine).
			org		0x000018			; Low Priority ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) vector
;			movff	STATUS,STATUS_Temp	; Save the Status register contents
;			movwf	W_Temp,A       		; Save the W register contents
;			movff	BSR, BSR_Temp     	; Save the Bank Select Register contents
;										; Write your custom Low Priority ISR code here.
;	; End of Low Priority ISR, restore the W, Status, and BSR registers.
;			movff	BSR_Temp,BSR		; Restore the Bank Select Register
;			movf	W_Temp,W,A			; Restore the Working Register
;			movff	STATUS_Temp, STATUS	; Restore the Status register
;			retfie  				; Return from Low Priority ISR and re-enable
;									; any Low Priority Interrupts.
;Message	db      "LCD:", 0           ;display of string
;Lookup Table for 7-seg
;TODO Add test to make sure number is 0x0F or below
;DP is Bit 7
	MOVLW	0x10
	RETLW	B'11000000'		; Return 0xC0 if over 0x0F - Light up DP and G segments
	RLCF	Temp,w
	RETLW	B'00111111'	; 0
	RETLW	B'00000110'	; 1
	RETLW	B'01011011'	; 2
	RETLW	B'01001111'	; 3
	RETLW	B'01100110'	; 4
	RETLW	B'01101101'	; 5
	RETLW	B'01111101'	; 6
	RETLW	B'00000111'	; 7
	RETLW	B'01111111'	; 8
	RETLW	B'01100111'	; 9
	RETLW	B'01110111'	; A
	RETLW	B'01111100'	; B
	RETLW	B'01011000'	; C
	RETLW	B'01011110'	; D
	RETLW	B'01111001'	; E
	RETLW	B'01110001'	; F
;End of Lookup
; PORTA                                            ;make PORTA digital(control signals are on PORTA)
;	#ifdef RA0_PICDEM
;	#else
;	#endif
		BSF		TRISC,SCL	; SDO as Input
		BSF		TRISC,SDA	; SCK as Input
;		movlw   0x06
;       movwf   ADCON1
	#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
        call    XLCDInit                    ;initialize LCD module(machine cycle talken for this call
        goto    StartDisplay
        #if XLCDBLOCKING ==0                ;this part is assembled and called only in non blocking mode
PollBF:                                     ;XLCDIsBusy is called, if LCD module is busy w return with 1 else 0
        call    XLCDIsBusy                  ;in actual practice the user can continue with his code rather that
                                            ;polling like this and he can check by calling XLCDIsBusy to see if 
        movwf reg                           ;the module is free before sending his next command to LCD.  
        btfsc   reg,0                       ;(here in the example XLCDIsBusy is in a loop and stays there untill
        goto    PollBF                      ;the busy flag is clreared)
		;movlw	b'10000111'	; Prescaler 1:256  Enable Timer0, 16-bit, internal clock, rising edge
;		movlw	b'10000010'	; Prescaler 1:8  Enable Timer0, 16-bit, internal clock, rising edge
		;movlw	b'10000100'	; Prescaler 1:32  Enable Timer0, 16-bit, internal clock, rising edge
		;movlw	b'11000100'	; Prescaler 1:32  Enable Timer0, 8-bit, internal clock, rising edge
		;movlw	b'11000010'	; Prescaler 1:8   Enable Timer0, 8-bit, internal clock, rising edge
		;movlw	b'11000000'	; Prescaler 1:2   Enable Timer0, 8-bit, internal clock, rising edge
;		movwf	T0CON,A		; Initialize Timer
		movlw	b'00000001'
		movwf	ADCON0,A	; Initialize A/D Converter
		movlw	b'00001110'	; AN0
		movwf	ADCON1,A	; Initialize A/D Converter
		movlw	b'10011011'
		movwf	ADCON2,A
; Initialize I2C Comm
		movlw	0x09		; For 4MHz Clock
		movwf	SSPADD
		BSF		SSPSTAT,SMP	; Disable Slew Rate Control
		BCF		SSPSTAT,CKE	; Disable SMBus specific inputs
		movlw	b'00001000'	; MSSP as I2C Master
		movwf	SSPCON1
 		BSF		SSPCON1,SSPEN	; Enable SSP Module
		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
			call	XLCDClear	; Clear LCD
			movlw	0xff
			movwf	Checksum
			clrf	Brightness
			incf	Brightness,F
			call	Read_AD		; Read A/D Converter
			movf	ADRESL,W,A	; Move ADRESL
			movwf	Mult0,A		; to Mult0
			movf	ADRESH,W,A	; Move ADRESL
			movwf	Mult1,A		; to Mult1
			clrf	Mult2,A		; Clear Mult2
			clrf	_Error,A	; Clear _Error
			call	_41_Sub
			call	_141_Multiply
			call	_Divide_by_128
			call	bin16_bcd
			movlw	0			; Skip updating if no change
			xorwf	Thou,W,A	;
			xorwf	Hund,W,A	;
			xorwf	Tens,W,A	;
			xorwf	Ones,W,A	;
			movwf	Mtemp0,A	;
			subwf	Checksum,W,A;
			btfsc	STATUS,Z	;
			goto	No_Change	;
			movf	Mtemp0,W,A	;
			movwf	Checksum,A	;							
			movlw	SAA1064ADDRESS	; Address, Write Mode
			movwf	SSPBUF
			call	I2C_BusyWait
			movlw	0x00		; Send Instruction Byte
			movwf	SSPBUF
			call	I2C_BusyWait
			call	Brightfunc
			movwf	SSPBUF
			call	I2C_BusyWait
			movf	_Error,F,A		; If _Error is set, change output to ---
			btfsc	STATUS,Z
			goto	noerr
			call	SEG_SEND
			call	SEG_SEND
			call	SEG_SEND
			call	SEG_SEND
			goto	LCDpart
			movf	Ones,W
			call	SEG_LOOKUP
			call	SEG_SEND	
			movf	Tens,W
			call	SEG_LOOKUP
			movwf	Mult0,A		; Add Decimal Point
			BSF		Mult0,7		; to the right of
			movf	Mult0,W		; the second digit
			call	SEG_SEND
			movf	Thou,W
			addwf	Hund,W
			btfsc	STATUS,Z	; Blank character if 0
			goto	blnkchr
			MOVF	Hund,W
			call	SEG_LOOKUP
blnkchr		call	SEG_SEND
			movf	Thou,W
			btfss	STATUS,Z	; Blank character if 0
			call	SEG_LOOKUP
			call	SEG_SEND
			I2C_SendStop	; Send STOP over I2C
;			call	
;			goto	loop
			; Convert Thou:Hund:Tens:Ones to ASCII
LCDpart		movlw	'0'
			addwf	Thou,F,A
			addwf	Hund,F,A
			addwf	Tens,F,A
			addwf	Ones,F,A
			; Suppress Leading 0 for Thousands
			movlw	'0'
			subwf	Thou,W,A
			movlw	' '
			btfss	STATUS,Z	; If Thou was '0'
			goto	Skip_Blank
			movwf	Thou,A		; Change to ' '
			; Suppress Leading 0 for hundreds
			movlw	'0'
			subwf	Hund,W,A
			movlw	' '
			btfsc	STATUS,Z	; If Hund was '0'
			movwf	Hund,A		; Change to ' '
			movf	_Error,F,A		; If _Error is set, change output to ---
			btfsc	STATUS,Z
			goto	No_Error
			movlw	'-'
			movwf	Thou,A
			movwf	Hund,A
			movwf	Tens,A
			movwf	Ones,A
		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
			call	XLCDClear	; Clear LCD
			movf	Thou,W,A
			call	XLCDPut
			movf	Hund,W,A
			call	XLCDPut
			movf	Tens,W,A
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'.'
			call	XLCDPut
			movf	Ones,W,A
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	' '
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'P'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	's'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'i'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	' '
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	' '
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'0'
			addwf	Brightness,W
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'/'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'7'
			call	XLCDPut
			call	Delay
			goto	loop
; Subroutines																	
		bsf		ADCON0,GO_DONE,A	; Take AD measurement
Check_AD	btfsc	ADCON0,GO_DONE,A 	; Wait until done
		goto	Check_AD	; Loop until Done
	btfsc	PORTA,RA4
	clrf	Mult0
	decfsz	Mult0,f
	goto	$-6
	btfsc	PORTA,RA4
	btfss	PORTA,RA4
	goto	$-2
;	btg		PORTB,RB0
	incf	Brightness,f
	btfsc	Brightness,3
	clrf	Brightness
;	movf	Brightness,f
;	btfsc	STATUS,Z
;	incf	Brightness,f
	movlw	b'00000111'
	andwf	Brightness,w
	movwf	Temp
	bcf		STATUS,C
	rlncf	Temp,f
	rlncf	Temp,f
	rlncf	Temp,f
	rlncf	Temp,f
	movlw	SAA1064CONTROL
	IORWF	Temp,w
	movwf	SAA_Control
I2C_BusyWait	; Wait until I2C is free
			bsf		LATB,RB3
BW_loop		btfsc	SSPSTAT,NOT_W
			goto	BW_loop
BW_loop2	movf	SSPCON2,W
			andlw	b'0001111'	; Check ACKEN, RCEN, PEN, RSEN, SEN
			btfss	STATUS,Z
			goto	BW_loop2
;			btfss	SSPSTAT,BF
		MOVWF	Mult1
		CALL	I2C_BusyWait
		MOVF	Mult1,W
			movlw	b'00000010'	; Prescaler 1:8  Disable Timer0, 16-bit, internal clock, rising edge
			;movwf	T0CON,A		; Initialize Timer			
			;bcf		INTCON,T0IF,A	; Clear Timer0
			movwf	T0CON,A		; Initialize Timer			
			bcf		INTCON,TMR0IF,A	; Clear Timer0
			movlw	0xFF		; Delay
			movwf	TMR0H
			movlw	b'10000000'		; Delay
			movwf	TMR0L
			bsf		T0CON,TMR0ON	; Enable Timer0
Delay_wt	;call	RA4_Button		; Check RA4 Button
			btfss	INTCON,TMR0IF,A
			goto	Delay_wt		; Wait until delay
			bcf		T0CON,TMR0ON
TX_Pressure					; Display "Pressure"
		#ifdef	LCD_PICDEM
			movlw	'P'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'r'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'e'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	's'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	's'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'u'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'r'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'e'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	':'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	' '
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'_'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'_'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'.'
			call	XLCDPut
			movlw	'_'
			call	XLCDPut
_Divide_by_128	; Divide by 2^7
			rlcf	Mult0,F,A	; Rotate left 1 (Multiply by 2)
			rlcf	Mult1,F,A	;
			rlcf	Mult2,F,A	;
			movf	Mult1,W,A	; Rotate right 8 (Divide by 256)
			movwf	Mult0,A		;
			movf	Mult2,W,A	;
			movwf	Mult1,A		;
			movlw	0			;
			movwf	Mult2,A		;
_41_Sub		; Subtract 41
			movlw	.41
			subwfb	Mult0,F,A	; Subtract 41
			btfsc	STATUS,C	; If no Carry,
			goto	_41end		; goto end
			movf	Mult1,W,A	
			btfsc	STATUS,Z	; Make sure ADH is not zero
			goto	_41Error	; Otherwise ERROR
			decf	Mult1,F,A	; Decrement ADH for carry
			goto	_41end
_41Error	movlw	0xFF
			movwf	_Error,A
			movlw	0
			movwf	Mult1,A
			movwf	Mult0,A
			retlw	0
; Generated by www.piclist.com/cgi-bin/constdivmul.exe (1-May-2002 version)
; Sat Dec 29 07:01:17 2007 GMT
; Mult = Mult * 141
; Temp = Mtemp
; Mult size = 10 bits
; Error = 0.5 %
; Bytes order = little endian
; Round = no
; Clear accumulator
; Add input * 128 to accumulator
; Add input * 8 to accumulator
; Add input * 4 to accumulator
; Add input * 1 to accumulator
; Move accumulator to result
; Approximated constant: 141, Error: 0 %
;     Input: Mult0 .. Mult1, 10 bits
;    Output: Mult0 .. Mult2, 18 bits
; Code size: 45 instructions
		;copy accumulator to temporary
			movf	Mult1,w,A
			movwf	Mtemp1,A
			movf	Mult0,w,A
			movwf	Mtemp0,A
		;shift temporary left 2 times
			bcf		STATUS,C
			rlcf	Mtemp0,f,A
			rlcf	Mtemp1,f,A
			rlcf	Mtemp0,f,A
			rlcf	Mtemp1,f,A
		;add temporary to accumulator
			movf	Mtemp0,w,A
			addwf	Mult0,f,A
			movf	Mtemp1,w,A
			incfsz	Mtemp1,w,A
			addwf	Mult1,f,A
		;shift temporary left 1 times
			bcf		STATUS,C
			rlcf	Mtemp0,f,A
			rlcf	Mtemp1,f,A
		;add temporary to accumulator
			movf	Mtemp0,w,A
			addwf	Mult0,f,A
			movf	Mtemp1,w,A
			incfsz	Mtemp1,w,A
			addwf	Mult1,f,A
		;shift temporary left 4 times
			swapf	Mtemp1,f,A
			movf	Mtemp1,w,A
			andlw	0x0F
			xorwf	Mtemp1,f,A
			movwf	Mtemp2,A
			swapf	Mtemp0,f,A
			movf	Mtemp0,w,A
			andlw	0x0F
			xorwf	Mtemp0,f,A
			iorwf	Mtemp1,f,A
		;add temporary to accumulator
			clrf	Mult2
			movf	Mtemp0, w
			addwf	Mult0, f
			movf	Mtemp1, w
			incfsz	Mtemp1, w
			addwf	Mult1, f
			movf	Mtemp2, w
			incfsz	Mtemp2, w
			addwf	Mult2, f
			retlw	0
;---------------- Binary (16-bit) to BCD -----------------------
; Microchip Code
;		xxx = highest possible result
	                       ; Takes number in Mult1:Mult0 
                                ; Returns decimal in 
                                ; TenK:Thou:Hund:Tens:Ones 
        swapf   Mult1,W 
        andlw   0x0F
        addlw   0xF0
        movwf   Thou 
        addwf   Thou,F 
        addlw   0xE2 
        movwf   Hund 
        addlw   0x32 
        movwf   Ones 
        movf    Mult1,W 
        andlw   0x0F 
        addwf   Hund,F 
        addwf   Hund,F 
        addwf   Ones,F 
        addlw   0xE9 
        movwf   Tens 
        addwf   Tens,F 
        addwf   Tens,F 
        swapf   Mult0,W 
        andlw   0x0F 
        addwf   Tens,F 
        addwf   Ones,F 
        rlcf     Tens,F 
        rlcf     Ones,F 
        comf    Ones,F 
        rlcf     Ones,F 
        movf    Mult0,W 
        andlw   0x0F 
        addwf   Ones,F 
        rlcf     Thou,F 
        movlw   0x07 
        movwf   TenK 
        movlw   0x0A                             ; Ten 
        decf    Tens,F 
        addwf   Ones,F 
        btfss   STATUS,C 
         bra   Lb1 
        decf    Hund,F 
        addwf   Tens,F 
        btfss   STATUS,C 
         bra   Lb2 
        decf    Thou,F 
        addwf   Hund,F 
        btfss   STATUS,C
         bra   Lb3 
        decf    TenK,F 
        addwf   Thou,F 
        btfss   STATUS,C 
         bra   Lb4 
        retlw   0