====== CarouselPi - A Kodak Carousel Slide Scanner ====== I'm converting a Carousel slide projector into an automated slide scanner using a Raspberry Pi with a camera module. My main goal is the cataloguing of the slide trays and indexing with the use of barcode stickers on each carousel. I intend to have the images indexed so that I can easilt find a specific slide and scan it in with a professional scanner. Loose slides will be scanned via the stackloader adapter. ===== Components ===== * Carousel slide projector (of course) * Raspberry PI * Raspberry PI camera module with CS-mount lens * USB Barcode scanner * Possible arduino control of projector mechanism * 10 Watt RGB LED - Light source (300mA forward current per channel) * [[https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13705|PicoBuck LED Driver]] - To drive the above LED * {{:projects:carouselpi:carousel_servicemanual.pdf|Projector service manual}} * {{:projects:carouselpi:stackloader_instructions.pdf|Stackloader instructions}}