nwdbg un <STRING OF USERNAME> - set the username
nwdbg pw <STRING OF PASSWORD> - set the password
nwdbg serial <SERIAL NUMBER> - set the serial number
nwdbg feature <FEATURE WORDS> - set the 4-byte, hex format feature words
nwdbg system reboot - reboot the device
nwdbg save changes - save all changes and reboot the device
nwdbg factory reset - set the flash data to default value,
- and reboot the device
nwdbg nmm reset - reset the NMM to default value,
- but keep CA, RGW,... not change,
- then reboot the device
nwdbg lifeline [on|off] - turn on/off lifeline
nwdbg lifeline prefix <STRING> - set the lifeline prefix
nwdbg country <COUNTRY CODE> - set the system country code
nwdbg gain <RX GAIN> <TX GAIN> - set the receive and transmit gain
nwdbg slic <0|1> - 0:standby, 1:active
nwdbg dtmf_relay <0|1> - 0:off, 1:on
nwdbg tone dump - dump tone table.
nwdbg tone <TONE NAME> cnt <CNT> - set number of tone elements.
- TONE NAME : busy,ring,cong,dial,sdial,dial2,out,addr,dconn,offn,offa,
- CNT : min 0, max 6.
nwdbg tone <TONE NAME> <ELEMENT> - set tone element.
- ROW : the row of <TONE NAME> table, min 0, max 5.
- N : the number of frequency in this ROW, min 0, max 4.
- F1, F2, ..: frequency, in Hz
- AMP1, ....: amplitude, in 1/10 dB unit, min -800, max 30.
- DUR : the duration, in ms, of the tone element to be transmitted.
min 0, max 0xffffffff.
- Here is a tone definition,
Cadence : 500ms-ON, 500ms-OFF
Frequency : 480Hz, 620Hz
Level : -2.4dB
Then the table will be :
ROW | N f1 amp1 f2 amp2 f3 amp3 f4 amp4 dur
0 | 2, 480, -240, 620, -240, 0, 0, 0, 0, 500 (ON)
1 | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 500 (OFF)
CNT is 2.
nwdbg mac <MAC ADDRESS> - set device mac address to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
nwdbg ip <dhcp|bootp|manual|pppoe> - set to DHCP, BOOTP or Manual(fixed ip) mode
if Manual mode :
nwdbg ip <IP ADDRESS> - set device ip to d.d.d.d
nwdbg mask <SUBNET MASK> - set device subnet mask to d.d.d.d
nwdbg gw <GATEWAY IP> - set device default gateway to d.d.d.d
nwdbg lan_ip <x.x.x.x> - set LAN IP Address.
nwdbg lan_mask <x.x.x.x> - set LAN IP MASK.
nwdbg lan_mac <MAC ADDRESS> - set device LAN mac address to XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.
nwdbg wan mtu [1500-576] - set the mtu size
nwdbg ether_status - display the current linking status of LAN and WAN ports.
nwdbg host <STRING OF HOST NAME> - set the host name
nwdbg web port <PORT NUMBER> - set the web port number from 1024 to 29999 and 80
***** reboot the device to make the above setting activate *****
nwdbg ca <NOTIFY ENTITY> - set the notify entity, the format can be :
- [domainName|ip]:port
- [domainName|ip]
nwdbg rgw <STRING OF RGW NAME> - set the gateway raw name
nwdbg proxydns [disable|enable]- set the proxydns state
nwdbg proxydns [manual|auto]- set the proxydns auto/manual
nwdbg proxydns server_ip [servip]- set the proxydns ip
nwdbg dns [DNS IP] - set the dns ip
nwdbg dns [disable|enable] - set the dns state
***** use save-changes command to activate the above setting
nwdbg bridge [on|off] - on/off software bridge
nwdbg bridge 0 [10 to 60] - 10M rx watermark
nwdbg bridge 1 [26 to 60] - N-way rx watermark
nwdbg [UPnPOn|UPnPOff] -on/off UPnP
nwdbg gap_time - Inter-Packet Gap Time [0 to 250] msec. 0: disable
nwdbg [config|mac|ip|...] - show [all|mac|...] configuration