Table of Contents

Tire Pressure Sensor

The pressure is determined by the formula, <m>P=0.145*



Part# Description Source Cost
MPX5700DP-ND0-101.5PSI Pressure sensorDigikey$16
2 Ft 1/4ID hoseHome Hardware$1.50
2 crimp style hose clampsHome Hardware$1.60
Barbed hose connectorHome Hardware$1.19
Compression fittingHome Hardware$1.95
Street ElbowHome Hardware$2.29
Barbed hose connectorHome Hardware$1.19
Click on air chuck for valve stem Princess Auto$3
1/8NPT tank valvePrincess Auto$2.50
Total $<php>print 16+17;</php>


Here are the calculations I did for the module using a spreadsheet to graph the transfer function, then working out the math to something which can be easily done in assembly.

MPX5700 Datasheet