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eagle [2016/03/08 16:47] photonicsguyeagle [2021/07/06 06:33] (current) – [Digikey, Jeff, and Pads] photonicsguy
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== CadSoft EAGLE Libraries ====== ====== CadSoft EAGLE Libraries ======
 [[https://github.com/Photonicsguy/Eagle]] [[https://github.com/Photonicsguy/Eagle]]
Line 9: Line 8:
 ==== Arduini mini pro ==== ==== Arduini mini pro ====
-{{:eagle:minipro_brd.jpg?direct&100|}}{{:eagle:minipro.jpg?nolink&200|}}+{{ :eagle:minipro_brd.jpg?direct&100|}}{{ :eagle:minipro.jpg?nolink&200|}}
 <note warning>Pay attention to the pad layout as there are a few slightly different versions on eBay.</note> <note warning>Pay attention to the pad layout as there are a few slightly different versions on eBay.</note>
 ==== NRF24L01+ module ==== ==== NRF24L01+ module ====
-I've included a keepout block to prevent ground planes or traces from being routed under the antenna. I'm using this module for [[projects:mysensors]].+<WRAP left round box 60%> 
 +I've included a keepout block to prevent ground planes or traces from being routed under the antenna. I'm using this module for [[:projects:electronics:mysensors]]. 
-{{:eagle:nrf_brd.jpg?direct&100|}}{{:eagle:nrf24l01.jpg?nolink&200|}} +{{ :eagle:nrf_brd.jpg?direct&100|}}{{ :eagle:nrf24l01.jpg?nolink&200|}} 
-===== Digikey, Jeff, and Pads =====+<HTML><BR CLEAR="ALL" /></HTML> 
 +===== Digikey, parts, and pads =====
 I'm cleaning up these libraries, currently I have some Freescale pressure sensors, 7-segment modules,and some minor surface mount components that I've used for some earlier projects such as [[projects:electronics:sumppump]], [[projects:electronics:7segdisplay]], and [[projects:electronics:50a5vpowersupply]]. I'm cleaning up these libraries, currently I have some Freescale pressure sensors, 7-segment modules,and some minor surface mount components that I've used for some earlier projects such as [[projects:electronics:sumppump]], [[projects:electronics:7segdisplay]], and [[projects:electronics:50a5vpowersupply]].
  • eagle.1457484471.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/03/08 16:47
  • by photonicsguy