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education:coop [2008/08/18 23:11] photonicsguyeducation:coop [2014/11/13 10:50] (current) – external edit
Line 3: Line 3:
 ===== Eiffel Tower ===== ===== Eiffel Tower =====
 ===== Tyrannosaurus Tex ===== ===== Tyrannosaurus Tex =====
-{{:education:education:coop:t-rex.jpg|Tyrannosaurus Tex}}+{{:education:education:coop:t-rex.jpg?300|Tyrannosaurus Tex}}
 ===== TEA CO2 Laser ===== ===== TEA CO2 Laser =====
-{coming soon)+(coming soon)
  • education/coop.1219126294.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/11/13 10:50
  • (external edit)