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3d:tiko [2017/01/09 18:43] photonicsguy3d:tiko [2017/03/20 14:45] (current) photonicsguy
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 I was fortunate enough to receive my Tiko for Christmas from batch #1. Starting on Christmas day I printed a bunch of owls, a benchy, and some other ornaments as well as the Tiko demo print. I was fortunate enough to receive my Tiko for Christmas from batch #1. Starting on Christmas day I printed a bunch of owls, a benchy, and some other ornaments as well as the Tiko demo print.
 +[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeWvZ5rEbxo|Video of my first print]]
 ====== Things I've designed ====== ====== Things I've designed ======
   * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/Photonicsguy/about|Thingiverse]]   * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/Photonicsguy/about|Thingiverse]]
     * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2008874|Tiko build volume]]     * [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2008874|Tiko build volume]]
 +    * Top hat (for a failed owl print)
     * Camera mount - in progress     * Camera mount - in progress
     *      * 
 +====== Linux Shortcuts ======
 +Switch to Tiko network: <code bash>alias tiko='nmcli c up "Tiko"'</code>
 +Run <code bash>alias tiko='nmcli c show'</code> first to identify your connection name
 ====== Notes ====== ====== Notes ======
Line 18: Line 25:
 ====== Temperature readings ====== ====== Temperature readings ======
 Maximum temperature((FW: 2.0.3-t100.be5de67)) : 300°C Maximum temperature((FW: 2.0.3-t100.be5de67)) : 300°C
 +===== Method =====
 +A Type-K thermocouple was attached to the side of the heater and wrapped with several turns of Teflon plumbers tape to attach the thermocouple without risking melted tape or adhesive on the hotend.
 +One consideration of using an IR thermometer is that the thermal emissivity of titanium will cause the IR thermometer to read low. Though this may not be a problem with plastic stuck on the nozzle or by taking the reading from the ceramic heater.
 +===== Observations =====
 Red LED is connected to the heater PWM. Solid red when it's coming up to temperature, flickering when it's holding temperature. Red LED is connected to the heater PWM. Solid red when it's coming up to temperature, flickering when it's holding temperature.
 +{{ :3d:tiko:tikothermaltest0.jpg?direct&300|}}
 ^Setpoint^Tmeasured(°C)^ΔT^ ^Setpoint^Tmeasured(°C)^ΔT^
 |100|100|0| |100|100|0|
 |110|109|-1| |110|109|-1|
 |130|127|-3| |130|127|-3|
 |140|136|-4| |140|136|-4|
Line 79: Line 92:
 |No|G20|Set Units to Inches|| |No|G20|Set Units to Inches||
 |No|G91|Relative mode ignored|| |No|G91|Relative mode ignored||
-|Yes|G92 E0|Reset Extrusion distance (Firmware understands but WIT will not render the preview correctly((Cannot reset X, Y, or Z))|{{:3d:tiko:gcode:g92_test.gcode|}}((Also used by the manual extrusion override))|+|Yes|G92 E0|Reset Extrusion distance (Firmware understands but WIT((TIKO Web Interface)) will not render the preview correctly((Cannot reset X, Y, or Z))|{{:3d:tiko:gcode:g92_test.gcode|}}((Also used by the manual extrusion override))|
 |No|M114|Get Current Position|| |No|M114|Get Current Position||
 |No|M105|Get Extruder Temperature|| |No|M105|Get Extruder Temperature||
Line 88: Line 101:
   * [[http://slic3r.org/|Slic3r]]   * [[http://slic3r.org/|Slic3r]]
     * [[https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r/tree/master/xs/src/libslic3r|libslic3r]] - TODO:Edit in Tiko??     * [[https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r/tree/master/xs/src/libslic3r|libslic3r]] - TODO:Edit in Tiko??
-  * [[http://www.openscad.org/|Openscad]] +  * [[http://www.openscad.org/|OpenSCAD]] 
-    * [[http://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/|Openscad cheatsheet]] +    * [[http://www.openscad.org/cheatsheet/|OpenSCAD cheatsheet]]
-    * +
     * https://git.h3ron.com/heron/openscad-thumbnailers     * https://git.h3ron.com/heron/openscad-thumbnailers
 +    * https://github.com/sjkelly/EagleToOpenSCAD
 +  * Inkscape
 +    * [[https://github.com/l0b0/paths2openscad|Inkscape - SVG paths to OpenSCAD]]
   * [[http://www.meshlab.net/|Meshlab]]   * [[http://www.meshlab.net/|Meshlab]]
   * [[https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software|Cura]]   * [[https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software|Cura]]
  • 3d/tiko.1484016207.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/01/09 18:43
  • by photonicsguy