
This is an old revision of the document!


telnet <ip_address> 1111

system telnetd

telnet <ip_address>

root password: wlan

Serial boot log

38400,8N1 3.3V logic

U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jun 19 2008 - 14:02:55)                                           
U-Boot code: 00000000 -> 0001C1F0  BSS: -> 00021498                             
CPU Clock: 200 MHz                                                              
1.8V Vdd Output: 1.793                                                          
2.5V Vdd Output: 2.531                                                          
==== PCI Device List Start ====                                                 
bus:00 device:01 function:00                                                    
    vendor:1a30 device_id:0680 class:0d80 interrupt:06                          
==== PCI Device List End ====                                                   
RAM Configuration:                                                              
Bank #0: 00000000 32 MB                                                         
Flash Manufacturer: EON                                                         
Flash Device: ENLV320B(4MB)                                                     
Flash:  4 MB                                                                    
In:    serial                                                                   
Out:   serial                                                                   
Err:   serial                                                                   
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0                                                
Verifying image integrity.                                                      
Good checksum                                                                   
## Starting application at 0x10040000 ...                                       
Uncompressing Linux.............................................................
Loaded GPIO driver
  • projects/wet610n.1384464491.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/11/13 10:50
  • (external edit)